How To Make Chocolate in shapes || Gwendolyne

Monday, November 02, 2015

Hello Everybody,
 so recently I made these really cute chocolates in shapes of the card game of hearts, diamonds etc. I bought them in the summer of 2014 in Hong Kong and didn’t use them for a really long time so I started thinking why not? And look at it, how cute and adorable they are looking. And they are really good looking by the coffee or tea. So, today I’m going to show you guys how I made these. 

What do you need?
Hot water
Chocolate (Milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate or other flavours that you like)
A big and small bowl which is transparent 
A spoon and/or a fork (use the one you more prefer)

What to do?
Fill the small bowl with hot water and put the big bowl on the small bowl.(Pic. One) Try to find two bowls who fit perfectly on each other so no damp will disappear. Then choose one of the chocolates you have bought. I started with the milk chocolate. First just break them in pieces and put them in the big bowl (Pic. Two). Let them melt and stir it till it’s a smooth layer of chocolate with a spoon (Pic. Three, Four, Five and Six). Then  use the spoon to fill in the shapes with chocolate (Pic. Seven). 

Picture One
Picture Two

Picture Three

Picture Four

Picture Five
Picture Six
Picture Seven

Then I decided to do the dark chocolate. It’s the same routine as by the milk chocolate but I used less of it than by the milk chocolate because I am not really a fan of dark chocolate.

Lastly I did the same with white chocolate. And when all the shapes are filled up with chocolate you just have to put it in the fridge. There is no exact of time of how long they have to be in the fridge but just do what you think is right. :) 

The final result: 

And when you get it out the fridge you just have to push the chocolates out of the shapes and you can serve it. In my opinion, it was a little bit thick for one bite but it is chocolate and chocolate is always fine. *laughing* it was really fun to do and it turned out so well. But it really use some of your time so if you start with it then be prepared for the time you have to use.
And this is the ending of my post. 

Hope you liked it and have a nice day.
X Gwendolyne

[written on 2015.11.02]

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